Friday, April 8, 2011

Upright SI units and greek letters

According to standards SI units such as for example micro-amperes should be made upright and not italic. Unfortunately lyx not  offers a standard solution for upright Greek letters. Therefore, one needs to use the special SI unit package: that should already be available in your miktex distribution. Here are the steps to use it inside lyx:

step 1)  include the package into your master document preambule
step 2)  insert the latex code \SI{10}{\micro \ampere} inside your document

Here are the steps in image, with the final result:

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Getting Bibtex formated references

Adding references to a thesis work is often a vexing  and long work. A nice solution is proposed by:; you give the article title and the website generates the reference for you. Several reference format are available such as:
  • APA,
  • BibTeX,
  • Cell,
  • Chicago,
  • Harvard,
  • MLA,
  • Nature,
  • Science. 
Have a look it is worth it! And free...